24 hr Garden

24 hr Garden

Sriwhana Spong, 2006 
Super 8 film transferred to single-channel digital video, black and white, silent, 2 min 52 sec.
Courtesy of the artist and Michael Lett

There is an avant garde tradition of embracing the nature of film's inherent material qualities. This methodology keeps every aspect of the material in place, every element remains intrinsic to the work. Here, we see an entire roll of Super 8 film exposed by hand across a 24 hour period.

Filmed in her parent’s garden, Sriwhana Spong condensed time through stop-motion photography in order to capture light falling across a group of shrine-like objects made using souvenirs from Bali and assemblages of fruit and everyday items. As the sun moves across the sky, we observe the accelerated passing of time in the small enclave.

Spong often incorporates timed musical sequences across the duration of her exhibitions, grounded in a cyclic Indonesian musical tradition. For us, her work will appear and disappear like a gong, chiming at month-long intervals from May through September.

On   28 April – 28 May
Off   29 May – 27 June
On   28 June – 28 July
Off   29 July – 27 August
On   28 August – 28 September 

Spheres: An Online Video Project

An online series of moving image works exploring social distance and personal environments including works from Xin Cheng, John Chrisstoffels, Conor Clarke, Ronnie van Hout, Sonya Lacey, Janet Lilo, Sione Monu, James Oram, Nova Paul, Bridget Reweti, Sriwhana Spong, and Matavai Taulangau.

Considering the recent popularity of the word ‘bubble’, the Spheres series examines how we interact, and our emotions, thoughts and sensations in relation to our surroundings. German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk described societal structure spatially, as spheres expanding from intimate bubbles to globes and foams. These works offer different perspectives on social distance, personal environments and the close radius of home. 

We invited artists to share something of their spheres, the ideas and places they live with and around. Their works touch on a variety of concerns, from environmental issues to consumerism and the importance of preserving cultural knowledge. Experienced online, they also reflect on representation and the contemporary circulation of imagery and information, the transfer to digital that allows us to reach out into the world.